The Ultimate Guide On Commercial Roofing in Dallas TX

Commercial Roof Repair, Commercial Roofing Company, Commercial Roofing Contractor, Commercial Roofing Services, Roof Types
Posted on February 23, 2017 by Anderson Industrial Roofing

The-Ultimate-Guide-On-Commercial-Roofing-in-Dallas-TXWith the winters almost over, commercial roofing projects are on every business owner’s mind. This is due to the fact the winters this year have been extremely intense and there is no doubt our roofs have gotten weaker. Since it is the start of the year, it is the perfect time to consider getting a commercial roofing project done in order to ensure that nothing hampers the operation of the business towards the end of the year.
The main reason roofs get weaker with time is due to the expanding properties of the components that are used to construct a roof. These components expand in the scorching heat of Dallas TX and contract in the harsh winters. This constant contraction and expansion takes a huge toll on the roofing membrane causing it to weaken. Once a roof is weak, it is prone to cracks, leaks and there is even a slight chance of the roof cracking as the structure is not as sound as it was previously. This is exactly why every business owner should consider hiring commercial roofing in Dallas TX.

Different Types Of Commercial Roofing Projects

Before you got out and hire commercial roofing in Dallas TX, it is imperative that you consider the different commercial roofing projects out there. These commercial roofing projects are mentioned below:

1.    Thermoplastic Roofing

This is one of the most popular commercial roofing projects, which makes use of extremely durable material. This material has a low temperature flexibility and high temperature tolerance, which ensures that the constant contraction and expansion will not damage the roofing membrane. Thermoplastic roofs also have a high resistance to cracks, fires, puncture and are resistant to high winds as well. These roofs normally have a life span of more than twenty years, but at the same time are difficult to install, as they require extensive labor and time.

2.    Green Roofs

Out of all the roofing projects out there, the green roofs have become the most popular with time. These are normally flat roofs that are completely or partially covered with soil. This soil is usually planted over a waterproof membrane. People normally plant different vegetables in this soil so that the soil is more effective in absorbing heat, since the soil absorbs the heat the components of the roofing membrane will not expand which will protect its integrity. Besides this, green roofs have the best insulation value and will help the business owner save a ton of money on heating and cooling costs.

3.    EPDM Roofing

This type of commercial roofing in Dallas TX is extremely cost effective and does not require extensive labor as it can easily be installed in a matter of days. These roofs often have the longest life span compared to other types of commercial roofing in Dallas TX and are extremely popular due to its durable properties and versatility. Besides this, EPDM roofing projects do not require heavy machinery, which ensures that noise pollution is at minimum when they are being installed.

4.    Photovoltaic Solar panels

If you are looking to keep your business energy costs in check, the Photovoltaic solar panels is the best solution. This type of roofing in Dallas TX provides the building owners with sustainable energy, which will substantially reduce the overall electricity consumption of the entire building. Photovoltaic solar panels are installed on top of the existing roofing membrane after adding a protective coat. These panels use the heat and generate energy, which can be used to power an entire building. Although installation of such roofing structures are expensive to install, as it requires extensive labor and time, in the end the roof will start paying back every penny itself by providing sustainable energy.

Different Material Used In Commercial Roofing In Dallas TX

Once you have decided what type of roof you would like to have installed in a commercial setting, the next step is to determine which materials will be used. Some roofing projects require certain materials that cannot be replaced, but for some you can choose which material you would like to include in your roofing membrane.
It is recommended that before you decide on what materials you would like to be used in the roofing project, you should contact companies that offer commercial roofing in Dallas TX. These companies will provide their advice on which materials to choose, which will help you select the most appropriate material for your roof. Some of the most popular materials used in commercial roofing projects are as follows:

  • Shingle: A generic material used for roofs, these provide both durability and style.
  • Wood shingle: These are shingles sawn from red cedar and have a life span of over 30 years.
  • Shake: These are shingles that are split on one side and sawed on the other side. They also provide durability and have a long life span.
  • Slate: This is a natural stone used to construct robust and resilient roofs that can stand the test of time, but they are very expensive.
  • Asphalt shingles: This type of shingle is made of fiber glass and is covered with industrially manufactured grit. Installation of such roofs is pretty straight forward and can completed within a few days.
  • Asbestos: This is extremely durable and resilient to fire, but is not very popular due to the health concerns surrounding asbestos.
  • Membrane roofing: This includes using large sheets to construct the desired roofing type, these sheets are cut and fitted according to the specifics of the roof. They can easily be installed but does require time in order to complete the roofing project effectively.
  • Steel: Not a very popular material but it still has its own benefits, firstly steel is extremely resilient to crack and leaks making to almost impenetrable. On the other hand steel will absorb heat that will reduce the insulation levels of the building.

So all of those people considering a commercial roofing project should take all of the above to ensure that they get the most effective roof for their business.