Irving TX Commercial Roofing Maintenance Tips You Should Know About

Commercial Roof Repair, Roof Inspection, Roof Maintenance
Posted on January 12, 2017 by Anderson Industrial Roofing

Irving-TX-Commercial-Roofing-Maintenance-Tips-You-Should-Know-AboutFor a business or organization, investing in a quality commercial roofing system can provide sufficient protection of your property by withstanding harsh weather conditions and other kinds of external damage. However, this can only happen if you fulfill the necessary maintenance requirements on a regular and constant basis. Doing so can help you detect problems in your roofing system early on and get repairs at relatively cheaper rates. More importantly, it can extend the lifespan of your Irving TX Commercial Roofing system and enable you to achieve a higher investment return.
For these reasons, Irving TX Commercial Roofing maintenance is integral for maintaining a fully functional roofing system and getting higher investment value in the long-term. In this post, we look at the essential maintenance tips you need to know about in order to sustain you Irving TX Commercial Roofing performance.

What Is Good Maintenance?

Irving TX Commercial Roofing maintenance should be not a one-off thing, but an ongoing process. Performing repairs and inspections when the commercial roofing system has sustained damage beyond repairs will render commercial roofing maintenance useless. Dirt, debris, and leaves tend to accumulate easily and mold and mildew can grow quickly due to moisture in the winter season. For this reason, roofing inspections should be performed on a monthly basis and done at least twice in a year, especially in the spring and fall season.
More importantly, all roofing inspections and repairs should be performed by a professional roofing contractor and not by yourself. Quality repairs and inspections involve considerable knowledge of commercial roof properties. In addition to things, such as dirt and debris, a trained and licensed roofing contractor will know to check for the essential components like gutter systems and other areas to ensure the property’s structural integrity is not affected and evaluate the extent of damage and repairs needed for smooth functioning.
Furthermore, you should never delay roof repairs. This will only aggravate the extent of the damage and increase the cost of repairs in the long-term. As soon as you come to know of components or parts that require fixing, seek a quality roofing contractor for a solution.

Commercial Roofing Maintenance Tips

Carry Roof Inspections

Even though a commercial roofing contractor is best left to handle major inspection and repairs, there are many things you can do as part of effective Irving TX Commercial Roofing maintenance. Look for visible signs of damage or roofing problems, such as discoloration, flashing gaps, blistering, blockages, and damage to gutter systems. Also look for holes, cracks, and missing materials to ensure water does not easily leak into your building, and signs of mold, fungus, and mildew, all of which can grow on your roof. In the latter’s case, consult a roofing contractor to determine if the roof needs to be fixed for preventing ponding or require the use of chemicals to prevent moss or algae growth.

Pay Close Attention to Tree Leaves

If your commercial building is located next to large trees, it is likely that leaves will fall and land on your roof. Over time, your Irving TX Commercial Roofing performance can get affected. This is why it is essential that you cut or trim nearby trees and remove fallen leaves on a regular basis. If nearby trees are too large in size, they can collapse on to your commercial roof and result in substantial damages.

Inspect Roof Equipment and Components for Damage

You should also check commercial rooftop equipment, such as skylights and plumbing vents, for visible signs of damage. If damage is apparent, you will need to use sealants or caulk for repairs.

Minimize the Risk of Damage Due To Foot Traffic

Performing inspections frequently will increase foot traffic on the roof that can make physical damage more likely. This is why it is important that you establish a safe walkway where you or a facility manager can walk by to check for roof damage without affecting the structural integrity of the Irving TX Commercial Roofing system. To do this, you will need to identify the most visited areas to make a thorough roof inspection and build a walkway along this path so that unnecessary foot traffic on the roof is reduced.
It is also a good idea to have the right platforms for storing roof supplies and equipment for repairs and maintenance work. For this you will need to consult with a roofing contractor to ensure the platforms are established such that they distribute weight evenly across the roof.

Give Special Attention to Winter Maintenance

It is important to give greater important to maintenance during the winter due to extreme cold temperatures that can increase the likelihood of Irving TX Commercial Roofing damage. This is especially true after substantial snowfall, in which case you need to remove snow as quickly as possible to prevent ice dams from forming. If ice dams do form on your roof, a qualified roofing contractor will be in the best position to use tools to enable melting and drain it out of your Irving TX Commercial Roofing system. In the case of hail storms, it is important that your commercial roof is durable enough to withstand high impact to avoid cracks and holes in the commercial roofing system. Consult a roofing contractor as to the kind of roof coating you should invest in to raise building longevity and durability.

Be Organized

Considering how there are many things to keep an eye out for to ensure effective Irving TX Commercial Roofing inspection, it is recommended that you keep a list of items to inspect in a spreadsheet or word document. The document should also have dates for inspection so that you always prioritize commercial roof maintenance and can detect roof issues as early as possible.
Anderson Industrial Roofing is a family-operated roofing contractor with over 25 years of commercial roofing experience. It has established a key reputation for delivering excellent roofing solutions through various accreditations and range of services. For more information, visit