Insulation Trouble- Polyurethane Foams Roofing in Dallas, TX

Commercial Roofing Company, Roof Inspection, Roof Maintenance
Posted on March 22, 2017 by Anderson Industrial Roofing

In April of 2016, another hailstorm that was said to be the biggest one of the year, struck its course and left an unfortunate occupant roofless and in trouble. Even though these storms cause damage to countless other properties other than just roofs, living in a place with hot, humid weather has left the need of proper roofing in Dallas, TX. Although hailstorm is a problem with severe consequences, other much simpler issues are also in desperate need of a fix.
Roof insulation is amongst the most frequently looked up issues that most people have trouble dealing with. The most frequently asked questions are mostly regarding the best material to meet their housing needs, of course, in terms of roofing. Do not be alarmed though! A wise solution is making use of polyurethane foam roofing in Dallas, TX and before you worry about the “who, what and why’s” of it, here is everything you need to know.

Insulation-Trouble-Polyurethane-Foams-Roofing-in-Dallas-TXWhy Need Roof Insulation?

Roof insulations have countless effects on your home. Leading to saving up cost on your electricity bills, it begins by managing the temperature of your home.

  1. The layer of insulation traps heat from your house and prevents it from escaping, causing it to warm up during winters. It also prevents sunlight from passing through into your home and thus keeps your house cool during summers.
  2. Protection from sunlight prevents the unnecessary expansion that would often lead to cracks being formed on the rooftops.
  3. This also helps a great deal with preventing water from being leaked into the house during a rainy season or storms.
  4. Sound-proofing! A layer of insulation prevents sound from the outside to travel and disrupt the sanctity of your home.

What is Polyurethane Foam?

Sounds like a big word, but when omitting out the chemistry aspect of it, polyurethane foam is a polymer plastic made out of either glue or sometimes, paints. According to its uses, the polyurethane foam is found in several different types starting from

  • Flexible: This type of foam is used mostly for cushioning and bedding. Yes, these are the soft fillings inside your chair cushions or mattresses.
  • Semi-flexible: Much like the flexible Polyurethane Foam, this is also used in upholstery but in this case, it’s only used in vehicle interiors such as car seats, headrests etc.
  • Rigid: This type is usually used in construction instead of other materials such as wood.
  • Spray (SPF): This is the kind used for insulation and roofing in Dallas, TX or on aircrafts and boats.

Since we’re talking about roofing in Dallas, TX, we’ll be more concerned about the Spray Polyurethane Foam.

What are the Pros and Cons of using Polyurethane Spray?

Like everything else, polyurethane foam roofing in Dallas, TX also has its own set of advantages and limitations. Before making any decision, it’s always best to know what product you’re choosing for your home.
For starters, using any kind of chemical will have effects on your health. If precaution is not taken during its application, polyurethane foam roofing in Dallas, TX could result in accidental ingestion or inhalation causing asthma, burns, irritation etc. This is the reason you need a professional to handle the application of your insulation which means that a spray foam would be a little more expensive as compared to another insulation. However, this cost would be a one-time deal that would last up to at least 10 years, if maintained properly.
Apart from that, a polyurethane foam roofing in Dallas, TX is a spray that reaches the tiniest spaces on your roof and rapidly solidifies to a protective layer. This means that it binds the cracks and pores formed on your roof over time preventing water from leaking into your house. The insulating layer also protects the room from getting damaged in times of hail as well. As mentioned above, insulation can also help in the preservation of energy resulting in excellent cost management. Apart from that, applying spray polyurethane foam forms a strong layer on the roof. Often it is applied on aircrafts to give their bodies a more toughness.

Maintenance Tips

The best part about polyurethane foam spray is that you don’t really need to spend too much on its maintenance. Apart from reapplying a coat of silicone every 10-15 years, the best way to protect your insulated roof is to constantly make a habit of cleaning it.
However, even before applying a polyurethane foam spray, it doesn’t hurt to constantly keep inspecting your roof to make sure everything is okay. Keeping a checklist to carefully examine the surface of the roof gives you a better idea of what and where you need to focus on while getting the spray.

Is a “Do It Yourself” a Good Idea Here?

There are many aspects involved with polyurethane foam roofing in Dallas, TX and even though insulating seems like a simple task, it can only be done by a professional. This is because they are aware of the kind of SPF that is suitable for your roofing in Dallas, TX as well as the method it can be applied without causing any danger. Apart from the risks of causing health problems, SPF requires certain equipments so it can be properly applied onto the surface. Applying SPF requires the person to be in appropriate gear to promote safety hazards and avoid unforeseen circumstances. So next time you get the inspiration to climb the ladder and do a little bit of fixing of the roof yourself, stop and think about the consequences! It’s better to stall your decision than placing a risk on your safety to save up a little bit of trouble and money.
However, if the problem you’re facing is with finding a trustworthy professional to handle your roofing in Dallas, TX then we’ve found a great option for you. Anderson Industrial Roofing provides an excellent service to meet all your insulation and other roofing needs.